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This section is about configuring the tool itself rather than authoring workspaces.

Ring can be configured using settings.toml and/or environment variables.

Toml files may exist in 3 scopes:

  • default - the base config shipped with the tool that should not be modified (as it gets overwritten when installing new version of ring)
  • user - user-scoped config
  • local - directory-scoped config

The most specific scope takes precedence. Environment variables take precedence over settings.toml.


Display config paths

You can display paths of the above configs using ring config-path with an appropriate scope flag.

Create configs

You can also generate settings.toml using ring config-create (also with the right scope flag).

Dump configuration

You can verify how the fully-built configuration store looks like via ring config-dump.

Configuration keys


When configuring the below via environment variables use RING_ prefix and replace . by __ (double underscore). For example: hooks.init.command becomes RING_HOOKS__INIT__COMMAND.

  • git.clonePath - the path where ring clones the repos of apps that support it. Default: $HOME/.ring/repos
  • kustomize.cachePath - the path of kustomize cache. Default: $HOME/.ring/kustomize-cache
  • workspace.startupSpreadFactor - controls how quickly ring launches apps. Increase to spread launching over time. Default: 1500
  • kubernetes.configPath - which config path to use. KUBECONFIG env var takes precedence if set. Default: $HOME/.kube/config
  • kubernetes.allowedContexts - making any changes to the cluster fails if the current context is not one from this list. Default: ["docker-desktop", "rancher-desktop", "minikube"]
  • hooks.init.command - a command to be run on the workspace init hook event. Default: N/A
  • hooks.init.args - arguments to be passed to the above command. Default: N/A