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IIS Express runnable

It runs .NET Framework WCF services and ASP.NET MVC websites.


csproj = "path/to/your/project.csproj"

How it works

IIS Express runnable expects the following XML elements exist in csproj file:

            <FlavorProperties GUID="{349c5851-65df-11da-9384-00065b846f21}">

Ring before 1.1.10 only uses DevelopmentServerPort and assumes localhost when running IIS Express. Version 1.1.10 and later versions support non-localhost bindings by utilising IISUrl first and falling back to DevelopmentServerPort if IISUrl is not found.

Health check

Ring does a simple "is IIS Express process alive" check. Additionally for WCF services it detects all the .svc files in the project directory and checks whether they return HTTP 200.