Common |
Common tags |
ConfigMapArgs |
ConfigMapArgs contains the metadata of how to generate a configmap |
FieldSelector |
Contains the fieldPath to an object field |
FieldSpec |
GeneratorOptions |
GeneratorOptions modify behavior of all ConfigMap and Secret generators |
HelmChart |
Image |
Inventory |
Inventory appends an object that contains the record of all other objects, which can be used in apply, prune and delete |
Kustomization |
KVSource |
Labels |
Metadata |
NameArgs |
PatchesInlinePatch |
PatchesPatchPath |
PatchJson6902 |
PatchTarget |
PatchTargetOptional |
ReplacementsInline |
ReplacementsPath |
Replicas |
SecretArgs |
SecretArgs contains the metadata of how to generate a secret |
Target |
Var |
Represents a variable whose value will be sourced from a field in a Kubernetes object. |